The 1-Page Marketing Plan
The 1-Page Marketing Plan
My notes on "The 1-Page Marketing Plan" by Allan Dib


Marketing has three phases

  • Before (prospect) - get people to know you and indicate interest
  • During (lead) - get the to like you and buy from you for the first time
  • After (customer) - get them to trust you, buy from you regularly, and refer
  • new customers

Marketing is strategy, all the other things are tactics

Jargon free definition of marketing

  • Advertising - The circus is coming to town, you paint a sign saying "Circus coming to town on Saturday"
  • Promotion - Put the sign on the back of an elephant and walk it into town
  • Publicity - Walk the elephant through the mayors flower beds and let a newspaper write about it
  • Public relations - Get the mayor to laugh about it
  • Sales - the town people go to the circus, you explain how much fun the entertainment is, they buy some tickets, you answer their questions, they spend lots of money on food, games, shows.
  • Marketing is the plan that made the whole thing happen