Most Data Work Seems Fundamentally Worthless
A blog article that overlaps with a few ideas and feelings I've been trying to pin down.
Compare it to "A project of ones own" by Paul Graham.
What I like about this article is that the author has managed to speak to others and advance his understanding of the problems and various solutions - I have not. I also like the honesty and frank nature of the writing.
- I want to prioritise meaningful work and a balanced lifestyle above being financially rich and stressed.
- It's important to me to create something useful.
- My work needs to have meaning.
- Normal isn't OK.
I've been thinking about non-profit work, or academia. After reading this, I'm more likely to consider academia.
A related blog post: Goodbye, Data Science
- the author trades data science for data engineering
- does publicising a view make it more likely that others will publish similar views?